Château de Villette - France
Lighted by 2 CLEDs 200 Watts Floodlights
VIRGIN ACTIVE Pool - CapeTown – South Africa
Lighted by 9 CLEDs 300 Watts Downlights
Convenience store in Duinefontien – South Africa
Lighted by CLEDs 10 Watts Downlights
BULAWAYO Road Toll - Zimbabwe
Lighted by CLEDs 20 Watts Downlights
and 60 Watts Streetlights
Convenience store in Stellendale – South Africa
Lighted by CLEDs 20 Watts Square Downlights
MONETEAU Ice Rink – France
Lighted by 18 CLEDs 400 Watts Highbays
Ephemeral light sculpture – La Réunion Island
Artist: Antoine POITEL
Lighted by 1 CLED 10 Watts
Tarmac Airport Lighting - TAIWAN
Lighted by FLB SLE 500 Watts and 1,000 Watts
Fishing - TAIWAN
Lighted by FLB GT-FL 100 Watts and 200 Watts